
Indulge your soul

  Ok so Chocolate chip cookies aren't exactly "healthy" per-se, but they are healthy for the soul, (as my mom would say, and hey, mom knows best.) so they can squeeze into the "wholesome" category of this blog. (It's my blog anyways, and I can do what I want.)   Dairy is one of those foods many of us have a problem with. Whether it's cooking for a group, for someone with a sensitivity, allergy, vegan, or just because it goes against your morals, many are skipping the milk these days. That's not to say that we have to say goodbye to all those gooey treats at the same time, we just have to adjust. So here is my favourite chewy, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate chip cookie that will have you saying bye-bye to butter, and honestly, it was hard at first, but I really don't miss dairy anymore! One of the hardest parts of allergy free eating is the fact that it is so hard to indulge. (No birthday cakes, dessert plates, or ice cream for me please!) (...

Rare Disease Day 2019

Today is rare disease day.  Did you know that one in 10 people will suffer with a rare disease at some point in their lives? 50% of those people are children. (Nearly 30% of those children will not make it to their fifth birthday. :( )  These Children are often referred to as "zebra kids" because physicians are taught "if you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." So that physicians don't go around over diagnosing a rare disease. Unfortunately, this often leads to misdiagnosis or no diagnosis at all. The average amount of time it takes to make a proper diagnosis is 8 years! Before I had Silas, I hadn't really ever heard of Epidermylosis Bullosa (EB) before. I had maybe seen a commercial or clip for a documentary on butterfly children once or twice, but I really had no idea what it was, and never in a million years would I have guessed that one of my children would be born with this condition. Upon Silas' birth, I was terrified of the unknown. I felt...

A new beginning.

It has now been several years since I first started this blog and it has since grown stale as my life as I knew it began to change. It began as a way for me to deal with my chronic pain and focus on the positive aspects of the living world. A reminder that life can be good despite limitations.  I am going to continue to carry this blog on in the same manner, but I thought I should highlight some of the changes that have occurred in the past 5-ishis years as the content of my posts and my life has greatly changed. About 5 years ago I had many chronic health problems that resulted in me walking with a cane. I had peripheral neuropathy, digestive problems, and chronic inflammation with no causation found.  I was very discouraged with my pain and my condition and at only 20 years old, grieved the loss of my body. I said goodbye to thinking I would ever surf, ski, or do many of the other active things that I loved to do in life. So instead of giving up, I shifted focus, ...

Insider Destination: Shoal Historical Site

   Shoal Islands In A little hidden side road in Crofton lies the  Halalt First Nation Historic Mill Site. This private recreation area is no longer open to anyone willing to respect it, so please enjoy these photos and respect this property from afar.    On the one side, all the way down to the tip of the Site, a Sandy and pebbly beach gives way to the surrounding Shoal Islands, full of secluded flora and fauna, and small Black Tail Deer. On the other side, past the Ocean Asparagus and Sea grass, lies a mucky plain when the tide is out. When the tide is in, on a calm day, the water resembles a lake more than Ocean, becoming Smooth as glass. A perfect sanctuary for viewing all sorts of seabirds. This is the perfect place to get away from the world for a bit.   A train you hear? It's working hard at the mill. The only piece of Industry visible from here.

Vancouver Island Beaches: The Westcoast

French Beach French Beach Is located on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Living in Cowichan Valley, I can either get there through the Renfrew Rd. route,(going west, then south)  or turn towards Langford when you're heading towards Vic, and you can follow Humpback Rd. North. Either way you go, there's probably a million things to see. This place isn't just for the locals, though! There is camping, lodging, and B&B's along the way. It is just South of the better known "China Beach" and Sombrio, a well-known surf destination, hosting annual competitions.

On The Wild Side: The Great Blue Heron

The Great Blue Heron, Master Fisherman.   We were able to video tape this on a random trip to the beach this summer. Living on Vancouver Island, if you are one with nature, it will be one with you.    This is only one of countless times I've been able to watch wildlife up close and personal. At The Ocean, most times you'll find seagulls, ducks, loons, herons, falcons, eagles, swallows and a myriad of other birds, all varying in size, colour, and song. You'll see various types of deer and other game all over the Island, and if you want to see how humans can live alongside all the animal traffic, take a trip up to Lake Cowichan, the one place where you are bound to see a black bear, whether it is wandering through the river or just padding down the street. People around here don't get hurt by wildlife because we respect the wildlife. To truly experience the Island you must become it.   There is so much more to say, I could probably go on forever, but then yo...